Discover the benefits
of our new loyalty programs, tailored to your specific needs.

The Fiberon Certified Installer Program
The Fiberon Certified Installer Program is a tiered program for contractors, featuring three levels: Outdoor Pro, Outdoor Expert and Outdoor Ambassador.
- Designed with the professional installer in mind, the Fiberon Certified Installer Program includes access to the new Fiberon Outdoor Education Center, an online resource for training on Fiberon products, programs and company information.
- Fiberon Certified Installers will also receive exclusive labor warranties, leads, rewards and tools.

The Fiberon Accredited Dealer Program
The Fiberon Accredited Dealer Program includes educational tools that dealers can use to equip their sales team with product knowledge, samples and displays, as well as co‑marketing tools to help boost their sales.
- Accredited Dealers have access to the exclusive Fiberon Display Program where they may work with their Fiberon sales associate to access our display designer and create a custom showroom experience.
- The Outdoor Education Center offers courses specifically designed for dealers to improve product knowledge among their sales team.
Fiberon Outdoor Education Center
Explore educational resources designed specifically for your needs.
The Outdoor Education Center includes:
- Product knowledge.
- Installation instructions.
- How to sell: best practices.
- Warranty registration.
- Product care and maintenance.
- And more!

Discover the benefits of our new loyalty programs, tailored to your specific needs.

Not a pro? Learn more about our Weekend Warrior Reward Program
Homeowners and DIYers can take advantage of online education resources and earn a reward for installing Fiberon products.